Thriving with resilience: Our journey to backyard chickens!


Our family has always valued self-reliance and control over our lives. This ethos permeated our choices, from juggling finances to prioritizing home-cooked meals. We wanted to be prepared for life’s curve-balls, and when the pandemic exposed the fragility of global supply chains, it cemented our commitment to greater autonomy.

Control of food sources

Food security became a crucial focus. We craved a more resilient, local approach, one that empowered us and minimized dependence on unpredictable external systems. While a vegetable garden was an obvious step, another surprising opportunity also arose: backyard chickens!

Backyard Chickens Education

A local community education flyer featured a “Basic Backyard Chicken Keeping” class by Stephanie Peterson from Fruit of the Coop, a passionate chicken grower supplying eggs to our community. We saw a chance to build a mini-ecosystem right in our backyard, one that aligned with our values and aspirations.

We dove headfirst into research, unearthing the treasures of backyard chicken life. Nutritious eggs, fresh from our own coop, would replace store-bought cartons. Food scraps, instead of gathering in the trash, would become delicious treats for our feathered friends.  And the coolest part? Their cozy bedding and “fertilizer” would other scraps in our compost bin, transforming into wonderful fuel for our garden.  This closed-loop system, a mini-ecosystem thriving right in our backyard, resonated deeply with our desire for self-sufficiency and environmentalism.

We devoured information about different breeds, each a feathered kaleidoscope of personality and egg-laying prowess.  Understanding their care routines, from coop setup to dietary needs, became our new obsession. Every detail, from the promise of colorful eggs in the nest box to the rich, potent compost feeding our future feast, fueled our excitement. We were hooked. This wasn’t just about adding clucking companions; it was about taking control of our food source, minimizing waste, and embracing a vibrant future rooted in self-reliance.

Backyard Chickens: What’s Next?

Stephanie’s class deepened our understanding and answered crucial questions giving us the confidence to pull the trigger and move forward. Next steps; ordering chicks, building a brooder, and buying equipment to prepare for their arrival.

So began our thrilling journey into backyard chicken keeping. It was a leap towards greater resilience, local sourcing, and environmental awareness, all fueled by the values that have always guided our family. Stay tuned for more where we’ll share more details from our research and pictures of the chicks.